North Shields 800
The entry below is a synopsis of our speakers talk on 22nd January 2025
This month Mr Alan Hilldrew give us a presentation on North Shields 800.
North Shields 800 will bring everyone together to enjoy a calendar of exciting events, exhibitions and performances that celebrates North Shields past, present and future.
In 2025 it will be 800 years since this small village which was made up of simple huts called shiels was founded on the north bank of the Tyne, where the Fish Quay stands today.
Created in around 1225 as a small fishing port to serve Tynemouth Priory, it grew into the thriving harbour of North Shields.
Alan showed many photos of North Shields as it was in the late 1800’s and also the development over the last 800 years.
For further information Click on the link North Shields 800
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